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English Language Arts


The New York City Department of Education is dedicated to ensuring that all students are college- and career-ready. Teaching English Language Arts is vital to this goal, making students effective readers and writers under statewide educational standards. The Common Core Library  and EngageNY give more information on New York schools’ transition to Common Core Learning Standards, which require students to ground reading, writing, and discussion in evidence from text. The Common Core encourages teachers to use a balance of complex fiction and non-fiction texts in the classroom. 




The New York City Department of Education is dedicated to making all students college- and career-ready. Schools work toward this goal through teaching mathematics under the new statewide Common Core Learning Standards, which demand that students have solid conceptual understanding, a high degree of procedural skill and fluency, and the ability to apply the math they know to solve problems inside and outside the math classroom. The Common Core Library and EngageNY give more information on New York schools’ transition to the Common Core Learning Standards. 




Science Scope 2014-2015


Grades K-2 have 3 main Units of Study  Grades 3-5 have 4 main Units of Study.  Each Unit is approximately 8 weeks long.  


Kindergarten:  Animals, Trees & Seasons, and Properties of Matter.

1st Grade:  Animal Diversity, Matter and Weather & Seasons.

2nd Grade:  Plants Diversity Forces & Motion, and Earth Materials.

3rd Grade:  Animal & Plant Adaptations, Matter, Simple Machines, and Energy.

4th Grade:  Animal & Plant Food Chains, Electricity & Magnetism, Properties of Water, Air, and Land.

5th Grade:  Ecosystems, Design Experiments, Earth Science, and Nutrition.


Social Studies


The New York City Department of Education is dedicated to making all students college- and career-ready. In Social Studies, schools work toward this goal through rich content, unifying themes and big ideas in history, geography, economics, civics, citizenship and government, integrated with Common Core literacy standards. The Common Core Library  and EngageNY provide information on New York’s transition to the Common Core Learning Standards, which require students to ground reading, writing, and discussion in evidence from text. 

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