The School for Future Leaders
2018-2020 NYS Reward School
2019-2021 Leader In Me Lighthouse School
The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program is a national program that recognizes schools who have shown academic excellence or have made huge strides in closing the achievement gap among student subgroups. On Tuesday, September 21, U.S. Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, announced that PS 310K, The School For Future Leaders, is being recognized as a 2021 National Blue Ribbon School! We are so proud and excited to be among the 325 schools nationwide this year, only 19 from New York State, to receive this very distinct honor. We know that our collaboration with our amazing families and community-based organizations helped to provide the students of PS 310 with a high quality of education that is now being acknowledged at the national level.
Congratulations to PS 310K, the School For Future Leaders, 2021 National Blue Ribbon School!!
Dear parents/Guardians,
As per DOE Covid safety rules and regulations, all students must complete the health screening form before entering the school building. Checking everyone's health screening form could be very time consuming, especially in the beginning of the school year. We ask that all students bring their school supplies following the schedule below:
4th and 5th grades: September 15, 2021
2nd and 3rd grades: September 20, 2021
Kindergarten and 1st grade: September 17, 2021
Do NOT bring school supplies when it is not your time. All school supplies must be labeled with your child's name, grade level, and room number.
Thank you for your cooperation and your support.
Yuqing Hong, Principal
P.S. 310 The School for Future Leaders
根据教育局 Covid 安全规则和规定,所有学生在进入教学楼之前必须完成健康筛查表的填写。 由于考虑到工作人员每天需要时间检查表格。 我们决定按照不同的时间表按年级收集您孩子的学习用品。 请按照以下时间表带学习用品到学校:
4年级和5年级: 9/15/2021
2年级和3年级: 9/20/2021
请不要在 9 月13 日星期一和星期二将学习用品带到学校。另外,学习用品袋上要写上您孩子的姓名、年级和课室号码。
洪宇清校长, 310 小学